One big lesson I have learned from my journey is not to use the weigh scale as my goal. I do not weigh myself regularly, rather I focus on establishing exercise and healthy eating habits as a way of life.
I am happy to report that I am 4 dress sizes down. From size 22 I now wear size 14! I prefer to walk instead of use the elevator. During summer months I take transit to work instead of driving and I walk up to three bus stops away from my home and get down from the bus in the same way. This allows me about 20 minutes of fast walking daily. I go to the gym regularly once a week and more if I have the time.
Currently, I do not have any health issues. I have found the use of multivitamins useful, and I look radiant and very healthy!
I play basketball with my daughters now and I am fast becoming a pro! Thanks to you guys!