Lap-Band was life-changing

SmartShape Weight Loss Centre

I had my Lap-Band installed 3 years ago yesterday. I weighed 293 lbs before surgery, 275 lbs the morning of surgery and I was 230 lbs this morning, for a total loss of 63 lbs.

In 2016 I had been as low as 218 lbs, and I decided not to weigh myself weekly. Over the next 6 months I actually gained 12 lbs. The gain was gradual, and since my pant size did not seem to change, I didn’t think I was gaining. Since last October, I have been weighing in weekly again, and I have now stabilized my weight.

To say the Lap-Band was a life-changing experience would be a major understatement. This device motivated me to completely change and improve my eating habits. Portion size is almost a joke now compared to my old habits. I use small utensils, e.g., salad forks and teaspoons, and small salad plates for all meals. I chew and chew and chew. I sometimes leave food on my plate, something I would never do previously. I stopped all diet pop, all desserts including cookies, tarts, pastries, muffins, chocolate bars, chips, pies, and ice cream – in short, anything with sugar in it. I also avoid anything with aspartame. I have not had one sugar treat since starting the pre-surgery fluid diet, and I do not miss eating those things.

I thought I would really miss those large BBQ’ed rare steaks, but that also is something I do not miss in the slightest. Who knew?

I’m still very active, though I’m not really much for the gym. I will go reluctantly, but prefer walking or some other activity. This winter, I curled 3 days a week, delivering the rock conventionally with no need for the stick I used when I was heavy. I can easily slide half-way down the sheet, which makes it way more fun! I joined a local ski club this winter and went downhill skiing with my grandsons about 30 times. I also went to the mountains to ski for 4 days.

I’m 70 years old now, I experience few aches or pains, I can walk the golf course – which I’m going to do this afternoon, first of 100+ rounds for the year – and overall I feel great.

So, was it worth it? Silly question! I will never be really heavy again, I know I can maintain these habits. I also believe I can still lose some excess weight, but I also have patience, there’s no urgency.

Pass along my sincere appreciation to your colleagues.


