Now I’m expecting twins!

SmartShape Weight Loss Centre

I have lost an outstanding amount of weight. I’m back to my normal self and cannot thank everyone enough. I’m unsure of the amount lost or a number on the scales. I just know that I was just about back into size 29/30 jeans when I found out I was pregnant!

Not only have I got my weight under control and my life back but now I’m expecting TWINS on Christmas Day!!!! Something I’ve never expected. I’ve always had a difficult time conceiving, even when I was 18! No drugs, no medical help and TWINS!

Things with the band seem good. A new-to-the-floor nurse assumed the band was the top of my uterus and I’ve had people think it’s a foot. I just laugh. My band hasn’t had any negative effects on my pregnancy either. Some days they like to play with the port! The ultrasound tech isn’t a fan cuz it creates a shadow but we just laugh.

Hope everyone is well there. I cannot express again how happy and thankful I am for SmartShape!

