5 Halloween Tips

SmartShape Weight Loss Centre

5 Halloween Tips

1. Plan it out
Before heading out, take a minute to discuss expectations with your kids. How long will trick-or-treating last? How much candy will be eaten when getting home? What will be the treats-per-day limit?

2. Eat treats (only) after a meal
Be a role model by sitting with your kids, distraction-free, and enjoy a treat after a meal. Mention what you like about the treat you choose. Bonus points: Mention what you like about your main course too!

3. Check your treats
Tell your child not to eat any treats before they get home. You can look through your treats together when you get home to make sure everything is safe to eat and doesn’t contain any ingredients that your child may be allergic to.

4. Eat a balanced meal
Healthy meals and snacks should always come before candy and treats.  Send the kids to trick or treating with a good healthy meal. A satisfied stomach will indulge in less sweets.

5. Have Fun!
Show your family there is more to Halloween than candy. Enjoy the time being active outside together and exploring your neighbourhood. Most importantly, stay safe!

Happy Halloween from your team at SmartShape!

Approved by SmartShape’s Registered Dietitian
Source: http://www.dietitians.ca/
