“I have lost a total of 100 lbs”

SmartShape Weight Loss Centre

My name is Linda I am 54 years old and 4′ 10″. I remember weighing 112 lbs at 11 years old; at 13 weighing 125lbs, at 18 years weighing 134lbs, at 21 on my wedding day I weighed 172 lbs. My weight kept climbing.

Over the years, I followed many available diet plans and activities that offered the hope of becoming physically fit. Initial successes were followed by predictable failures and the weight that I lost was always able to find me. In 1995 I was diagnosed with Lupus. I continued to experience frequent limb pain and fatigue. In 2010 after many years of using a walker or wheelchair, I had my knees replaced. The only regular exercise I did was physiotherapy.

When I chose to have the Lap-Band procedure I was required to provide my current weight. My scale at home only went to 300 lbs so I went to my family doctor to use his scale. I maxed out his scale and my stomach was resting on the bar, at the back of the scale which distorted the reading.  On September 18, 2014 I went to the SmartShape facility at Maples Surgical Centre to discover I weighed 332 lbs. My BMI at that time was 69.4. I realized Lap-Band was the solution for me and I immediately started the pre-op diet.

November 5, 2014 when I had my surgery I weighed 295 lbs. On December 24, 2014 I started exercising and decided to get in the habit of keeping myself fit. At that time, I could only walk for 3 minutes at 1/2 mile per hour on my treadmill before I experienced intense back pain. Now I can walk for 30 minutes at a time. I wear a pedometer daily and am charting my progress.

My family and friends supported me on my journey and have followed my lead such as improving their eating habits. My husband is healthier and our two dogs are at a healthier weight as their diet has improved as well. In less than 6 months, I have lost a total of 100 lbs. I can now tie my shoe laces, sit down in any chair without the fear that I will land on the floor and more importantly I can fasten any seat belt.

I have received tremendous support from people in my life, at work, my brother and sisters, my husband, Terrie, the nurse at SmartShape in Maples Surgical Centre and the rest of the staff at SmartShape. I participate frequently in the SmartShape webinars and use their online support program daily to continue success in my journey.

I look forward to a healthier, active and adventurous future.
