We love Thanksgiving! Getting together, enjoying some valuable time with our loved ones. Let’s not forget eating food we normally don’t eat (and often too much) and drinking fancy beverages instead of water!
Here are some tips to enjoy your favorite foods.
1. Don’t let go of your exercise plan.
Exercise will help maintain your metabolic rate, which will help burn more calories each day. It will also help reduce stress and help you feel positive & proud about your body. So don’t let go of your exercise plan during the holidays.
2. Lighten up where you can.
If you cut 110 calories here, 130 calories there, and 90 calories in a third dish, you’ve trimmed off 330 calories from that one meal alone. You can lighten recipes by using less fat or oil than called for in the original recipe, and by substituting reduced-fat or reduced-calorie versions of some of the ingredients. For example use light cream cheese instead of regular cream cheese or fat-free half and half instead of regular half and half cream.
3. Balance.
Enjoy a balance of healthy choices so that you can have all your favorite October foods, feel full, satisfied and have a positive impact on your efforts during your journey. Always keep an eye on your portion sizes and stop when you feel satisfied.
Source: http://www.webmd.com