Written by: Iryn Tushabe
TUES, June 18th 2013 (Regina Leader Post) —While more Saskatchewan residents are eating their fruits and vegetables, even more say they are obese, according to the Canadian Community Health Survey’s 2012 report released Monday.
In Saskatchewan, 28.8 per cent of youth from 12 to 17 years self-reported they were overweight or obese in 2012, an increase from 18.1 per cent in 2011.
Tami Denomie, director of health promotion at the Ministry of Health said the government is doing more to reduce the prevalence of obesity, especially in the younger population.
She said the government has made a commitment to reduce obesity among children by five per cent over the next 10 years.
“We are currently co-leading the work with the Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport and really looking at the issue of childhood obesity, and the ways to create environments where it’s easier for people to access opportunities to physical activity and healthy eating choices,” said Denomie.
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