Although it sounds trite, I was literally “sick and tired of feeling sick and tired”
I have been overweight my whole life really, but a car accident 5 years ago changed my life. I was diagnosed with PTSD, depression and anxiety. Every assessment or treatment that the insurance companies sent me to made my mood sink further. I put on over 100 pounds and felt totally helpless. I finally felt “‘well” enough to try some light exercise to help with both the physical and emotional aspects I was experiencing. That’s the “Before” picture…the day I started at the gym. I hate having my picture taken, and thought I had seen some bad photos of myself, but when the gym manager showed this to me a few weeks ago, I knew that was my lowest point…and my highest weight.
At one of the assessments I attended, the professional made a recommendation to see a bariatric physician. I did a local search and discovered a few avenues that I could pursue. My family doctor was supportive of weight loss surgery, and she just asked that I do some research before making a decision. That research led me to SmartShape, and I read all the testimonials and checked out all the options available. One email was all it took to get a follow up phone call within a day, and a consultation with a surgeon just a week later. I went in to the consult determined to move forward with the Gastric Sleeve, and the surgeon agreed that, based on my BMI, it would be my best choice. All of my questions were answered, and he talked about some things I hadn’t even thought of.
From the first phone call, through the consultation and all the prep work necessary for the surgery, I felt like I mattered to these people…that somebody was in my corner willing to help me out. Even after the surgery, when I had a really rough time, I got a phone call from my surgeon every day for a week…I mean…who does that?
I signed up for all of my required webinars after the surgery. I have called and/or emailed to ask questions along the way, and I have shared my weight loss milestones with the staff. I just discovered before the summer break that there is a support group based out of the clinic, and I hope to go back when it resumes in September. I have recommended SmartShape to friends based on my experience, and they have both had sleeve surgery this year. The surgery itself is a tool to aid in weight loss. It hasn’t fixed my other problems, but now I feel like I’m in a better place physically to try to deal with them emotionally. I have lost 135 pounds from that highest weight/lowest point photo and I am thankful for all the staff at SmartShape who were a part of the journey. Cheers to the next milestone!
If you are ’sick and tired of feeling sick and tired’ too, call us today. We would like to help you feel better and enjoy life more! Call (888) 278-7952 and speak with one of our Program Advisors about how SmartShape can help you reach your milestones!
The information provided in this Newsletter is for informational purpose only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute. Therefore always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practice medicine or general health care in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Newsletter and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else.