Use of Weight Loss Surgery Will Soon Be Wide Spread
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SUNDAY, Jan 3, 2010 (TopNews) — The advancements in the field of weight loss surgeries, that are traditionally a last resort for the obese, are now making them more and more suitable to be undertaken by people who are moderately obese and diabetic, indicating that their use will soon be more widespread.
Bariatric surgery has generally been exclusively for the morbidly obese, but not anymore, thanks to the new innovations that are being undertaken in the field. As of now, weight loss surgeries are only recommended in people with a BMI of 40 or above, if the patient is healthy, or 35 if there are complications like heart diseases or diabetes present as well.
With obesity levels across the country rapidly rising, bariatric surgery, many doctors feel, is the need of the hour.
“We’re seeing increased disability due to obesity among a younger population. We can’t afford to wait. As a tool to bring down costs and the burden of disease, bariatric surgeons have the most effective tool in medicine today: said Dr. John Baker, president of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery.
Various studies have been carried out with regards to weight loss surgery and how these help people who have been battling obesity. Also, studies have now revealed that these help patients with type 2 diabetes as well.