SmartShape™ Reviews

Down 125 pounds!

I've been wanting to write for a while but honestly, couldn't find the words. I'm down 125 pounds since my surgery on August 11, 2015. I feel wonderful. I am a better mom and wife and just a happier person. My body no longer aches and I no longer feel like I'm living in someone else's body. I am much more active and am preparing to run my first 5K this weekend with a 10k to follow in the fall.

I cannot thank the whole team enough for this new life! The work you guys do is really life changing and I hope that everyone knows how much you have improved my life. I've never had better care in my life than the care I received with you. Your surgeon is by far one of the best, most caring doctors I've ever had and I cannot thank him enough.


Down 90 lbs and off insulin!

I am currently down 90 lbs and very pleased with those results. I am exercising daily and the weight loss achieved has enabled that activity greatly compared to pre-op conditions. By June 2015, my Endocrinologist took me off insulin and cut my dosage of Metformin down to 1/5 that of my pre-op dosage, and now (June 2016) has reduced/eliminated these again.

 Other than feeling full faster now, I have no complications whatsoever. I also have no difficulty with any foods. I did in the first 3 months but that is gone completely now. I am completely cognizant now that Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery is only a minor tool in achieving weight loss goals long term.

 My ‘Top Two Triumphs” (as I call them!) are:

  • I no longer avoid long walks to a desired activity I wish to attend,
  • I no longer fear summertime. The resultant constant sweating I would endure during hot weather was extremely embarrassing. I was a prisoner locked away in air conditioned rooms for way too many summers than I care to admit.


Thank Everyone at SmartShape

I want to thank everyone at SmartShape for their kindness and compassion.


I have not been this weight since 1985!

I hit my goal weight and feel great, working on maintaining the weight loss now. You were asking about the differences - overall I feel healthy, energetic and like how I look. 109 lbs gone. I have not been this weight since 1985!


Thank you for all your support

I went for my adjustment yesterday. It was interesting. I am not a fan of needles but I will get used to it. I did go out afterwards to treat myself and bought a new outfit. Before Christmas, I had to get a pair of jeans and was crushed when I had to buy a size 22, and all my shirts were 2XL. Yesterday the jeans I bought were a loose-fitting size 16 (I should have bought size 14) and the shirt was a Large (not XL or 2XL). It felt great. Thank you for all your support.


Update-August 2016: I am now in a 12 or 14, depending on the store. I have lost 58 lbs.

A big thank you!

Thanks to everyone who helped me today –Kim, I want to thank you and Rita for answering the many questions I have had over the past couple of weeks. A big thank you to nurse Tina and the other nurses, pre- and post-op (shout out to nurse Francine, she was very kind and patient with me while juggling 2 other patients in recovery), the anesthesiologist (I don’t remember his name – nice fellow with good hair lol) and of course the surgeon for his reassurance throughout the day.

Thanks again,


Gastric Surgery

Good experience with caring surgical staff.

One in a Million!

It is rare in today's fast-paced materialistic world to find somebody like your Surgeon personally, and his entire staff at SmartShape, to be so caring and dedicated as they are. Simply pleasantly surprising! I am pretty sure he is one of those 'one in a million' and I am lucky to be his patient.

Sincerely, Paul

It’s been a year – lost 70 pounds!

Yes, it’s been a year. I can say that I’m not the same person I was a  year ago. I’ve lost 70 pounds and that has been the total since October. So I’ve been at the same weight for a few months, but I’m not discouraged. I haven’t lost much since then but on the plus side, I haven’t gained it back. I just had my first adjustment last week and I’ve found that my level of satiety has increased between meals.

Overall, I’m so much happier. I will lose more weight, that I’m sure of, but the confidence I have, even at 242 lbs, is amazing. I’m no male model, but try telling my brain that. The biggest weight I lost is the heavy burden of feeling judged every time I walked into a room of strangers or co-workers. Now, I no longer care and it’s great! But I also lost my worst critic: myself.

I will be moving this summer to the Fredericton area. I’ve been promoted, but I’ll keep in touch. Thank you all. I  still think about how amazing my experience was on my surgery day. You put me at ease when I was freaking out a little inside. And the care I received pre- and post-op was superb.

Take care,


Accepted as a Patient AND as a Person

It is apparent that the many professionals at SmartShape work together as a team. I very much appreciated the help from Kim as I waded through websites and books trying to decide what to do. The Surgeon was very forthright in my initial meeting and was easily able to address my concerns. I felt accepted as a patient and a person. I did not feel rushed. Everyone at SmartShape that I have met or spoken to so far has been grand. I appreciated the follow-up calls from the nurses and the dietitian on Day 3. Thanks to everyone.

